Monday, August 26, 2013

Autumn Feeling

We awoke bright and early.
The skies dark, cloudy and grey.
Rain falling ever so slightly.
Just enough to make it really feel like a real Autumn day.  Just like I remember them to be growing up back in Southern Illinois.  Those dark mornings, wet and drizzly down at the bus stop, waiting for my first day of school.

He was so excited to get to school today.  But this year is different, no more school bus to wait on, no more silly morning chats on the front porch.
We kept him in private school. 
He pointed out every school bus he saw on the drive to school today.
Not once did he ask to ride one, but instead asked for his teacher.
He adores his teacher.  She treats him with kindness and greets him with big hugs and sometimes even a kiss on the cheek.  They have a bond that he has never had with any other teacher.  She told me today that he has been placed in her heart and she started crying a bit.  This is what we desperately need more of in schools.  Teachers willing to take on children with special needs and treat them with gentle hands and kind words.  Making sure they feel as much as part of the class as all the other children do.

He wakes up asking for his teacher and if it is time to go to school.
He races downstairs to grab his backpack, yelling come on mom!!
This is something he never did at his old school.  I can only hope that how he is treated now in school will give him the love and strength to go everyday and face his challenges with a smile.


Rhonda said...

You just made me cry. Love that first picture of B, he is adorable.

Teachers do make a difference in a child's life. This news makes me so happy, you have no idea!!

xo Rhonda

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you all, I'm just learning what a battle this can be, proper help for special needs children, you are an inspiration, and he is so cute, and so happy!!!

Julie said...

Look at that gorgeous little face in the pixie hat :-) Just adorable.
Yes wonderful teachers make the world of difference Amy - they nurture our children & help them turn into wonderful young men. One particular lady teacher my boys adored had been a nun in a convent & she just loved every single child in her class. Hope his school year brings happiness & joy to him & you also x0x0x

Ricki Treleaven said...

This has made my day!!! What a wonderful teacher! She is my new hero. Wow, what an answer to prayer! Y'all are in my heart and on my mind often, Amy. Look how excited B is to go to school!!!! {as it should be}


Diana Mieczan said...

I totally agree with Rhonda. Teachers can really make a difference in a child's life and I am so happy to hear that your little one is having a fantastic start to the school year:) Looks like he is ready to go:) I love that. Muah, darling.