Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring has Sprung

Spring is here and that means refresh, renew and shed things in life to make room for new growth. Planting new seeds and watching them grow.

We have been busy cleaning out and transforming our lives.
So be ready for lots of new listings in my Etsy shop.

My challenge this year is try new things.
We are traveling more and exploring life.

I am ready for happiness and new journeys.

I have closed out the negative in my life and opened the door to positivity.
Its amazing to look through a clean lens and see what was holding you back.

Here is to Spring and finding life again.


Julie said...

Oh Amy - how wonderful to see your post pop up :-) You sound upbeat, positive & happy my friend. And OH MY has little B grown .... havent seen any photos of him for awhile so really notice it. That picture of the 3 of you in the paddock (or field), that is just such a gorgeous picture of all of you. I am guessing it may have been taken on your trip to your Dads ranch?? So lovely to see your post my friend - take care x0x0x

Numinosity said...

Beautiful! and welcome to spring. Love seeing your pictures.
xo Kim