Friday, July 20, 2012

Feeling BLUE

The color blue is soothing to me. It seems like everything I am working on lately is blue.

from crocheting garlands and buntings to

painting my boys bathroom and

my studio desk and its socks.

Maybe it is because I remember my childhood home in blue. My bedroom as a little girl was all the lightest blue and our living room was the darkest blue.
It is just a comforting color.

So when I cleaned up my studio last weekend, I discovered some yarn that I had stuck away.
Nothing special just some cheap acrylic yarns that I had bought to cover the child's stroller in years ago. Now we don't even use a it was a pretty blue yarn and I just started making a single crochet blanket, or more of a blankie.
I have a project that I am working on for down the road that this will be perfect for.

I will reveal that project closer to fall.

But for now I love sitting in the evening and just moving slowly across my work seeing it come together as I watched the Dallas episode dvr'd last night! So gooood!!!!
I am hooked on that show. And I love that they didn't change the theme song, its like a flashback to the days of watching Dallas on a Friday night in the family room when I was a little girl.

The weekend is here and we have some exciting plans. Can't wait to share.


Susan EvelynAndRose said...

Lovin' that blue, too, Amy! I can't get over how fast you crochet. Your piece looks wonderful. Have a great weekend - sounds like a good one!

Vintage Market Place said...

Thanks Susan. That was just the beginning it is almost finished now :)

Rhonda said...

Hey Friend, I love your posts...they are like you, down to earth and to the point! You do crochet fast!!