Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rain Sweet Rain

It is raining!
It started about 4:30 this morning.  I woke up in some coughing spell and was raining.  Soft and light but it was a beautiful sound at 4am.

I was lulled back to sleep and surprisingly as I had to leave for a doctor's appointment it was still raining.  Grey, cold and wet.  I love it. 

It was like a movie setting to the perfect day.
We got some fabulous news today that I am not quite ready to share with the masses yet but oh boy I am so happy!
Then my follow up appointment with my surgery and it is all going well.
I was told to still go slow and be careful driving and such...will do.

But as the afternoon has set in I am curled up in comfy clothes and under my big faux down comforter that is full of holes but that I love to death.  Snuggled into my dark corner of the couch with pumpkin candles burning and project runway on in the background for noise.
The house is dark and warm. The grey from outside seeps in thru the windows.

The day is coming to a close and it has been a wonderful one.

I was browsing pinterest and stumbled upon the picture in this post, as I clicked it linked me to this site.
I am probably old on this one but oh my it was a lovely new blog filled with such wonderfully inspiring images.
Fleaing France


  1. Good news is always welcome, right? Good for you, can't wait to hear.....and I'm so glad you have some rain!!
    We do too which means it's warmed up a bit, thank's been so cold here for so long.

  2. Ooh, we got the rain, too! It rained at my office but when I got home, nothing, curses!!

    I see you have found Simone's blog, she is an amazing blogger and her online shop is so divine. I'm so happy you like her. : )

  3. You deserve some good news, my friend. Ummmm pumpkin candles. One of my favorite scents! I hope you are getting plenty of rest and relaxation.

    Ricki Jill


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